For patients

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For patients – Preparation for procedures

Nil by mouth six hours prior to the procedure!


Speak to your GP for the purpose of issuing a prescription for PLENVU(bowels cleaning recipe). Equally, you can purchase it in the pharmacy with the private prescription. Decrease the intake of solid and fatty foods and increase the intake of liquid foods and drink daily 1.5-2 l of liquids.


Eat easily digestive food, preferably soft one. Avoid meat, seeds and corn in your diet. Eat food which does not bloat you up.



Light breakfast.


Dilute first dosage of PLENVU in one liter of water and drink a glass of it every 15 minutes.

13:00 – 18:00:

Drink as much liquid as possible 1.5l – 2l (tea, water, clear juice) and continue with the liquid diet (clear soup with no additives, tea, water, clear juice) and avoid solid foods as well as milk and mushy juices. Walk a lot in order to induce the bowels to work “faster”.


Dilute second dosage of PLENVU in one liter of water and drink a glass of it every 15 minutes. Drink as much liquid as possible up to the procedure. In case of the procedure being done under anesthesia, from midnight nil by mouth.


  • All previous medical documentation

You are to be examined by anesthesiologist/specialist of gastroenterology prior to the actual procedure and you should inform them of illnesses you suffer from and medication or alternative medicine preparations you are taking.


Patients who take anti-coagulation therapy (Warfarin, Marivarin, Martefarin…) should stop taking their medication 3-4 days prior. Patients experiencing problems with heart valves are advised to take antibiotic prophylaxis. Patients taking, iron, acetysalicylic acid ( Andol. Aspirin, Acisal ) Clopidogrel (Zylit, Pigrel) as well as anti-rheumatics (Knavon, Voltaren, Brufen, Ketonal etc) should stop taking their medication 7 days prior to the procedure.


DO NOT TAKE oral medication for diabetes on the morning of the procedure. Insulin is normally NOT taken that morning, but please consult your doctor. Prescribed therapy (for heart, high blood pressure or reflux) could be taken on the morning of the colonoscopy with a sip of water.

During the MRI procedure you are entering a magnetic field which could attract metal objects which you may have on you and your clothes or footwear, so you must take all the metal objects from yourselves and your clothes before the procedure starts, emptying your pockets and taking your clothes and footwear off. You are to be given a medical robe and a pair of slippers by the members of the radiology team. The following is considered to fall under the category of metal objects.

Jewelry, watches, credit cards, various earphones

Buckles, braces, hair-pins, metal locks, buttons

Writing kit, spectacles, pocket knives


Removable dentures

You must inform the radiology staff if you happen to have any metal objects in your body ( a pacemaker, a hearing aid, post-operative clips, an artificial joint,  any osteosynthetic material after operative fracture recovery,stents in blood vessels,artificial aortic heart valves, metal bits etc. ) All items, mentioned here within can cause obstructions during the examination and some of them are equally counter effective.

As for the instructions concerning consumption of food and beverages before the MRI examination the former depend on the type of examination you have been referred to whilst the MRI examination of musculoskeletal system do not require special attention to your food and beverages consumption.

You are encouraged to continue with your daily regime of medication taking before the MRI examination.

Some of the MRI examinations may require the application of contrast intravenously or by direct application in the joint. You are to be asked a question by the radiology staff regarding your eventual  medication or food allergies. The contrast used for the MRI procedures contains gadolinium which is not prone to causing allergy reactions.

Furthermore, You are to be asked about other medical issues, primarily those affecting  the functioning of the liver and the kidneys.

Women in generative age must inform the members of radiology staff of a possibility of eventual pregnancy. Although the MRI has been in function since the 80’s, up to now there has not been any records of its negative implications on pregnant women nor on their fetus. But because of the high degree of the fetus tissue sensitivity, the MRI examinations are not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy and afterwards only if there are strong medical indications to carry it out.

Frequently asked questions

Marin Med Clinic for patients is situated on the first floor in Grawe Business Center at Dr. Ante Starčevića 45. It is a 15 minutes walk from Gruž harbor.

You would like to make an appointment with the visiting doctor?

Simply contact us via form , e-mail or call us. Kindly leave us your personal details, name, surname, DOB and contact telephone. As soon as we receive the date of arrival of a visiting doctor we will promptly contact you with the exact time of your appointment.

Please do not worry. We will do our upmost best to direct you to the right contact address.
Please call us and we would inform you what are the necessary requirements do carry out PEME examination.

Methods of payment

  • – Cash